Principal-Flowers-Tulip Flaming Parrot Close-up at Hamilton Gardens New Zealand

Tulip Flaming Parrot Close-up at Hamilton Gardens New Zealand

Tulip Flaming Parrot Close-up at Hamilton Gardens New Zealand - Clasificación Clasificación

Tulip Flaming Parrot Close-up at Hamilton Gardens New Zealand juego de puzzle

Tulip Flaming Parrot Close-up at Hamilton Gardens New ZealandTulip Flaming Parrot Close-up at Hamilton Gardens New Zealand

Tulip Flaming Parrot Close-up at Hamilton Gardens New Zealand Descripción 
Close-up of an exotic tulip 'Flaming Parrot' (Texas Flame) at Hamilton Gardens in New Zealand. The blossoms of Flaming Parrot tulips are one of the largest and most spectacular of all tulips and with very showy colour, bright yellow with flaming red stripes. Parts of the plant are poisonous, which may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction.

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