Начало-Places-Arc de Triomphe La Marseillaise Bas-relief by Francois Rude-Paris France

Arc de Triomphe La Marseillaise Bas-relief by Francois Rude-Paris France

Arc de Triomphe La Marseillaise Bas-relief by Francois Rude-Paris France - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Arc de Triomphe La Marseillaise Bas-relief by Francois Rude-Paris France Описание: 
'La Marseillaise' (Departure of the Volunteers), a bas-relief wich adorns one of the pillars of the Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile, facing Avenue de Champs-Elysees in Paris, designed by Francois Rude, represents allegorically the Genius of the Liberty, in the face of France, under the guise of a female emitting a cry of warning, which incites the people to battle against the enemy's invasion by brandishing a sword. Rude illustrates the massive Conscription 1792 under orders of the Legislative Assembly, which had secured the first victory of the Revolution at the Battle of Valmy against Prussia on September 20, 1792.

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