Home-Sport-Felix Baumgartner in the Gym

Felix Baumgartner in the Gym

Felix Baumgartner in the Gym - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Felix Baumgartner in the Gym Beschreibung: 
Felix Baumgartner, an Austrian skydiver and a BASE jumper, nicknamed 'Fearless Felix' and 'God of the Skies', in the gym, where he is doing some light cardio exercises for relaxing during the preparations for the mission of the 'Red Bull Stratos' in Roswell, New Mexico, USA. On October 14, 2012 he crossed the sound barrier in freefall from 39 kilometres above the Earth, nearly from the edge of space, reaching speed of 1,342 kilometres per hour (834 mph).

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