Home-Flowers-Blewits Clitocybe Nuda

Blewits Clitocybe Nuda

Blewits Clitocybe Nuda - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Blewits Clitocybe Nuda Beschreibung: 
These fresh purple specimens of Blewits, known as Clitocybe nuda or Lepista nuda, are edible and tasty mushrooms, which grow abundantly in the autumn till winter, when the nights are getting cold, in coniferous and deciduous forests in the lowlands and the mountains. They are found also in orchards and parks, places with compost such as grass clippings, wood chips and wood waste. They have a nice fairly strong flavor that can be described as blewit-flavored. But beware, there are alikes! The inedible blue Cortinarius mushrooms in the woods look like similar. Clitocybe nuda has been cultivated in Britain, the Netherlands and France.

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