Principal-Art-Sadness of Gaia and My Lady Unicorn by Josephine Wall

Sadness of Gaia and My Lady Unicorn by Josephine Wall

Sadness of Gaia and My Lady Unicorn by Josephine Wall - Clasificación Clasificación

Sadness of Gaia and My Lady Unicorn by Josephine Wall Descripción 
'Sadness of Gaia' and 'My Lady Unicorn' are two beautiful paintings from the Fantasy World of Josephine Wall, a one of the most popular fantasy artists.
In Greek mythology, Gaia is a goddess of the Earth or Mother Nature, who maintains the harmony and balance within the environment and the whole life on our planet. The Earth Goddess looks on sadly with worry and thoughts for the tomorrows of the entire ecosystem of Planet Earth, suffering from the human errors, which may lead to ruin of our precious world.
The Unicorns are special creatures with magical powers beyond our imagination, beautiful and mysterious beings, which converse by sounds, creating them by help of a harp on their forehead. Their world is one of tranquillity and peace where is maintained nature and the balance of the universe.

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