Начало-Art-Magpie Fairy by Josephine Wall

Magpie Fairy by Josephine Wall

Magpie Fairy by Josephine Wall - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Magpie Fairy by Josephine Wall Описание: 
'Magpie Fairy' is a fascinating illustration by the English fantasy painter Josephine Wall, a portrait of a stunning fairy, depicted in an unusual, non-traditional and modern way, in a magical and surreal world.
Just as the magpie attracted by bright shiny objects which she tirelessly collects, this fairy finds for irresistible to adorn herself with discarded as garbage or accidentally lost household things. Besides the many forest items such as acorns and oak leaves, she has collected safety pins and paper clips, bottle tops, uses nut as ring and broken light bulbs from the last Christmas for earrings.

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