Home-Holidays-1st May Celebration

1st May Celebration

1st May Celebration - Bewertung: Bewertung:

1st May Celebration Beschreibung: 
1st of May is celebrated as a 'May Day' and is a national public holiday in many countries around the world. In some of those countries it is celebrated specifically as International Workers' Day, also known as Labour Day, a holiday that is most commonly associated as a celebration of the laborers and the working classes and the achievements of the labour movement.
Traditionally, May Day coincides with the spring festivals in many European countries. 1st of May was a pagan holiday in many parts of Europe, considered as the last day of winter and the beginning of summer.
During Roman times, between 28 April and 3 May was held the festival of Flora, the goddess of flowers and the season of spring, in honor of fertility and the arrival of spring.
In 1955, the Catholic Church dedicate 1st day of May to 'Saint Joseph the Worker', the patron saint of workers and craftsmen.

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