Home-Show-New Year Dubai with World Record for Fireworks Show

New Year Dubai with World Record for Fireworks Show

New Year Dubai with World Record for Fireworks Show - Bewertung: Bewertung:

New Year Dubai with World Record for Fireworks Show Puzzle Spiel

New Year Dubai with World Record for Fireworks ShowNew Year Dubai with World Record for Fireworks Show

New Year Dubai with World Record for Fireworks Show Beschreibung: 
Dubai welcomes New Year with a World Record fireworks show. Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai, the iconic symbol of the city, has two World Records. In addition to being the tallest building in the world (nearly a half-mile high), now it smashed the Guinness World Record for largest-ever fireworks display with nearly 500,000 shells fired in just six minutes. The spectacular show, where have used the world’s most advanced technologies for pyrotechnic and LED-illumination, was watched live by more than 1.7 million people around Dubai.

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