Home-Art-Largest Stained Glass Window Church of Resurrection Leawood Kansas

Largest Stained Glass Window Church of Resurrection Leawood Kansas

Largest Stained Glass Window Church of Resurrection Leawood Kansas - Bewertung: Bewertung:

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Largest Stained Glass Window Church of Resurrection Leawood KansasLargest Stained Glass Window Church of Resurrection Leawood Kansas

Largest Stained Glass Window Church of Resurrection Leawood Kansas Beschreibung: 
The Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, will soon be unveiling a 100 foot wide and 40 foot high window, the world’s largest stained glass window, created via fused glass by use of an innovation technique.
The window’s designer Tim Carey describes it as 'painting with glass' as opposed to the traditional method of painting on glass.
The window, which depicts a series of Biblical stories surrounding a portrait of Jesus Christ, is a result of the collaboration between Judson Studios and artist Narcissus Quagliata, who is a pioneer in the use of fused glass in large-scale installations.

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