Home-Art-Love in Bulgarian Art by Dimitar Gudzhenov

Love in Bulgarian Art by Dimitar Gudzhenov

Love in Bulgarian Art by Dimitar Gudzhenov - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Love in Bulgarian Art by Dimitar Gudzhenov Beschreibung: 
The painting 'Shepherd's idyll' by Dimitar Gudzhenov depicts in a beautiful way the theme of love, that affects all ages and takes a huge part of lyrical richness in Bulgarian Art.
Dimitar Gudzhenov (1891-1979) was known mainly as creator of military and historical paintings, the painter, who has chronicled the heroic, majestic and glorious history of Bulgarian national memory.
The large diversity and multi-genre richness of works by Dimitar Gudzhenov, represent the artist as one of the great masters of portrait painting, sketches, murals and landscapes.

deutsch english bulgarian russian spanish 
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