Home-Flowers-Saffron Crocus Closeup

Saffron Crocus Closeup

Saffron Crocus Closeup - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Saffron Crocus Closeup Beschreibung: 
A closeup of Saffron Crocus (Crocus Sativus) flower, which is used to obtain the most precious and most expensive spice in the world, due to its largely grown and harvested by hand and to the high amount of work involved in separating of the Saffron threads.
In food, saffron is used as a spice, yellow food colouring and as a flavouring.
In industry, saffron extracts are used as a fragrance in perfumes and as a dye for fabrics.
The medicinal use of saffron or Crocus Sativus Linneaus has a long history that began in Asian countries as early as the late Bronze Age.
Saffron is described as effective in the treatment of a variety of conditions, as coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, eye diseases, autoimmune disorders, gastric distress and memory disorders.

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