Начало-Art-Christmas Bird Diamond Painting

Christmas Bird Diamond Painting

Christmas Bird Diamond Painting - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

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Christmas Bird Diamond PaintingChristmas Bird Diamond Painting

Christmas Bird Diamond Painting - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: Christmas, bird, birds, Diamond, painting, paintings, art, arts, holiday, holidays, wonderful, gift, gifts, sparkling, adorable, Santa, hat, unique, mosaic, form, forms, image, images, creation, resins, diamonds, canvas, viewer, awestruck, hands, present, 5D, popular, DIY, home, decoration, house, warmth
Christmas Bird Diamond Painting - Дата: Дата: 06.01.2023 10:00
Christmas Bird Diamond Painting - Просмотров: Просмотров: 2740
Christmas Bird Diamond Painting Описание: 
A wonderful Christmas gift with sparkling Diamond painting, depicting an adorable Santa bird with hat.
The Diamond Art is a very unique mosaic form of image creation by sticking small resins that sparkle like diamonds on the canvas and often leaves the viewer awestruck, when he put it together with his own hands.
At present, 5D diamond paintings is the most popular DIY home decoration, which makes your house lively and full of home-like warmth.

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