Home-Nature-Lookout Tower Ice Sculpture by Marko Korosec

Lookout Tower Ice Sculpture by Marko Korosec

Lookout Tower Ice Sculpture by Marko Korosec - Rating: Rating:

Lookout Tower Ice Sculpture by Marko Korosec puzzle game

Lookout Tower Ice Sculpture by Marko KorosecLookout Tower Ice Sculpture by Marko Korosec

Lookout Tower Ice Sculpture by Marko Korosec Description: 
Amazing photo, taken by Marko Korosec on December 2014, after the ice storm on Mount Javornik, Slovenia, which created amazing ice sculpture from the lookout tower.
After nine days of strong winds and cold, the landscape was transformed in a wonderland of ice formations by frozen trees, vegetation and structures covered by a thick layer of ice, enchanting hoarfrost and long ice spikes.

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