Home-Nature-Ice-encrusted Lighthouse on St.Joseph North Pier Michigan

Ice-encrusted Lighthouse on St.Joseph North Pier Michigan

Ice-encrusted Lighthouse on St.Joseph North Pier Michigan - Rating: Rating:

Ice-encrusted Lighthouse on St.Joseph North Pier Michigan puzzle game

Ice-encrusted Lighthouse on St.Joseph North Pier MichiganIce-encrusted Lighthouse on St.Joseph North Pier Michigan

Ice-encrusted Lighthouse on St.Joseph North Pier Michigan Description: 
The photo of the ice-encrusted structure of the remarkable old lighthouse from 19th-century on St Joseph’s North Pier on Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes of North America, was taken on January 23, 2013 by photographer John McCormick of Vestaburg, Michigan.
The famous picture of the St Joseph’s North Pier lighthouse, with a hauntingly beautiful ice encasement, caused by the waves crashing on to the pier, have become the symbolic face of frigid weather.

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