Home-Nature-Denali National Park and Preserve Alaska

Denali National Park and Preserve Alaska

Denali National Park and Preserve Alaska - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Denali National Park and Preserve Alaska Beschreibung: 
Alaska is the largest and most sparsely populated U.S. state, situated on the Northwestern coast of Canada, known for its spectacularly diverse scenery.
Denali National Park and Preserve lies on the north flank of the Alaska Range, 250 miles south of the Arctic Circle. The park was established in 1917 as Mount McKinley National Park, and was renamed to Denali National Park and Preserve in 1980, when was enlarged to its present 6 million acres to protect the habitat of area wildlife.
It is home to North America’s highest peak, Denali, meaning 'The Great One' (6194m). The entire national park has a diverse landscape, with stunning mountain tops skimming the horizon, spruce forests and alpine tundra, and an abundant wildlife, including grizzly bears and caribou.

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