Home-Cartoons-Donald and Daisy Duck play Romeo and Juliet Wallpaper

Donald and Daisy Duck play Romeo and Juliet Wallpaper

Donald and Daisy Duck play Romeo and Juliet Wallpaper - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Donald and Daisy Duck play Romeo and Juliet Wallpaper Puzzle Spiel

Donald and Daisy Duck play Romeo and Juliet WallpaperDonald and Daisy Duck play Romeo and Juliet Wallpaper

Donald and Daisy Duck play Romeo and Juliet Wallpaper Beschreibung: 
Wallpaper with the amusing Disney's cartoon characters Donald and Daisy Duck, who play on the theater stage in the roles of Romeo and Juliet from the famous play of the same name by William Shakespeare.
Donald, with flower in hand, plausibly swears his love to Daisy as she watches him lovingly from her balcony.
The play 'Romeo and Juliet' was written by Shakespeare about 1594–1596 and was based on the life of two real lovers who lived and died for each other in Verona, Italy in 1303. Shakespeare is known to have discovered this tragic love story in the poem by Arthur Brooke from 1562.

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