Home-Holidays-Martenitsa Pijo and Penda on Yellow Daffodils

Martenitsa Pijo and Penda on Yellow Daffodils

Martenitsa Pijo and Penda on Yellow Daffodils - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Martenitsa Pijo and Penda on Yellow Daffodils Beschreibung: 
Martenitsa in the form of two dolls, called Pijo and Penda, on a bouquet of yellow daffodils at a green wooden table.
Martenitsa is a small piece of adornment, made of white and red yarn, worn on March 1, a tradition related to welcoming the spring and to appease Baba Marta, a mythical character from Bulgarian folklore with an unpredictable character.
Tradition dictates that Martenitsi are always given as gifts, not bought for oneself. They are given to loved ones, friends and those people to whom one feels close.

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