Начало-Holidays-Little Red Riding Hood Greeting Card by Komarova

Little Red Riding Hood Greeting Card by Komarova

Little Red Riding Hood Greeting Card by Komarova - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

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Little Red Riding Hood Greeting Card by KomarovaLittle Red Riding Hood Greeting Card by Komarova

Little Red Riding Hood Greeting Card by Komarova Описание: 
Soviet greeting card for March 8 by C. Komarova (Russia, 1984), a wonderful art raster illustration to the fairy tale 'Little Red Riding Hood'.
Postcards 'Happy March 8' in the USSR began to be issued only in 1952. In the 80s, the best artists, worked on their creation, use fairy-tale characters and animals.
'Little Red Riding Hood' is a European fairy tale about a young girl and a sly wolf. The two best known versions were written by Charles Perrault (1697) and the Brothers Grimm (1812).
The story has been changed considerably in various retellings and subjected to numerous modern adaptations and readings. Other names for the story are 'Little Red Cap' or simply 'Red Riding Hood'.

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