Начало-Flowers-Red Poppies Field Wallpaper

Red Poppies Field Wallpaper

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Red Poppies Field WallpaperRed Poppies Field Wallpaper

Red Poppies Field Wallpaper Описание: 
Wallpaper with an amazingly beautiful sunset over a field of blooming red poppies, a brilliant spring show of red flowers.
The red poppy (Papaver Rhoeas), known as the field or corn poppy, or Flanders field poppy, is the most popular wildflower in all the world.
It is a readily self-seed annual plant, blooming most heavily in April and June.
Native to Europe and Asia, that was once considered a weed, the Papaver rhoeas now symbolizes Remembrance day, which recognizes the fallen soldiers of World War I.

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