Начало-Cartoons-Fred Flintstone as Santa Claus

Fred Flintstone as Santa Claus

Fred Flintstone as Santa Claus - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Fred Flintstone as Santa Claus пъзел игра

Fred Flintstone as Santa ClausFred Flintstone as Santa Claus

Fred Flintstone as Santa Claus - Етикети: - Етикети: Fred, Flintstone, Santa, Claus, cartoon, cartoons, scene, Christmas, TV, Episode, 1965, flu, Bedrock, department, store, Macyrocks, voice, girth, admirable, proxy, wonderfully, job, children, child
Fred Flintstone as Santa Claus - Дата: Дата: 30.12.2023 15:40
Fred Flintstone as Santa Claus - Игран: Игран: 2120
Fred Flintstone as Santa Claus Описание: 
Scene with Fred Flintstone as Santa Claus from 'A Flintstone Christmas' (TV Episode 1965), where he substitute Santa Claus who has a flu, at the Bedrock department store Macyrock’s.
Fred is known for his loud voice and generous girth, both of which make him an admirable proxy for Santa Claus, a wonderfully fulfilling job for him as well as the children.

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