Home-Ocean Life-Pink Pearl in Shell

Pink Pearl in Shell

Pink Pearl in Shell - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Pink Pearl in Shell Puzzle Spiel

Pink Pearl in ShellPink Pearl in Shell

Pink Pearl in Shell - Tags: - Tags: pink, pearl, shell, ocean, life, single, pink, pearl, luxury, jewelry, luster, oyster, nacre, sea, sand, natural, scarce, treasure, queen, conch, marine, snail
Pink Pearl in Shell - Datum: Datum: 16.09.2024 22:05
Pink Pearl in Shell - Hits: Hits: 742
Pink Pearl in Shell Beschreibung: 
Single pink pearl, a luxury jewelry with sparkling luster in an oyster shell with nacre, lying on sea sand.
The natural pink pearls are not cultuvated, which makes them extremely scarce ocean treasure. They are created by the queen conch, which is an endangered by the large marine sea snail.

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