Home-Animals-Red Squirrel in Autumn Wood Wallpaper

Red Squirrel in Autumn Wood Wallpaper

Red Squirrel in Autumn Wood Wallpaper - Rating: Rating:

Red Squirrel in Autumn Wood Wallpaper puzzle game

Red Squirrel in Autumn Wood WallpaperRed Squirrel in Autumn Wood Wallpaper

Red Squirrel in Autumn Wood Wallpaper Description: 
Wallpaper with cute red squirrel standing on a tree stump in autumn wood.
The red squirrel is much smaller than the grey one, but it will chase it away, defending its territory. It weighs only about half a pound and lives as long from eight to nine years, under ideal circumstances.
Red squirrels build their nests out of grass and twigs in trunk cavities of spruces and some deciduous trees, such as the poplar.

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