Начало-Art-First Kiss by Wendy Edelson

First Kiss by Wendy Edelson

First Kiss by Wendy Edelson - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

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First Kiss by Wendy EdelsonFirst Kiss by Wendy Edelson

First Kiss by Wendy Edelson - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: first, kiss, Wendy, Edelson, art, watercolor, image, snowman, American, artist, illustrator, Henry, Koerner, advice, New, York, portfolio, children, books, campaigns, banks, restaurants, hospitals, ballet, theatre, license, puzzles, fabric, collections
First Kiss by Wendy Edelson - Дата: Дата: 06.12.2024 07:49
First Kiss by Wendy Edelson - Просмотров: Просмотров: 376
First Kiss by Wendy Edelson Описание: 
'First Kiss' by Wendy Edelson, is a colorful watercolor image of a sweet first kiss under the a snowman's watchful eye.
Wendy Edelson is a self taught American artist and illustrator who decided to follow the artist's Henry Koerner advice and dropped out of school and left for New York with a big black portfolio at the age of 17.
Most of her work has been connected with illustration of children’s books, cook books, gardening books and a book about Gods, Goddess and Angels. She has worked for ad campaigns for banks and restaurants and hospitals, ballet and theatre companies.
Wendy Edelson owns license for puzzles, decorative items and cards, and in the past few years she creates fabric collections.

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