Home-Art-Vintage Santa by Liz Goodrick-Dillon

Vintage Santa by Liz Goodrick-Dillon

Vintage Santa by Liz Goodrick-Dillon - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Vintage Santa by Liz Goodrick-Dillon Puzzle Spiel

Vintage Santa by Liz Goodrick-DillonVintage Santa by Liz Goodrick-Dillon

Vintage Santa by Liz Goodrick-Dillon - Tags: - Tags: vintage, Santa, Liz, Goodrick, Dillon, art, painting, American, artist, winter, scene, forest, deers, Christmas, mood
Vintage Santa by Liz Goodrick-Dillon - Datum: Datum: 12.12.2024 07:44
Vintage Santa by Liz Goodrick-Dillon - Hits: Hits: 517
Vintage Santa by Liz Goodrick-Dillon Beschreibung: 
'Vintage Santa' is a lovely painting by the American artist Liz Goodrick-Dillon (Elizabeth Ann Goodrick-Dillon 1963-2023), depicting winter scene, in snowy forest with Santa Claus who feeds his deers, that brings Christmas mood.

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