Home-Art-Homework Shih Tzu by John Stewart

Homework Shih Tzu by John Stewart

Homework Shih Tzu by John Stewart - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Homework Shih Tzu by John Stewart Puzzle Spiel

Homework Shih Tzu by John StewartHomework Shih Tzu by John Stewart

Homework Shih Tzu by John Stewart Beschreibung: 
'Homework Shih Tzu' by the renowned puzzle artist John Stewar, is a enchanting painting with a detailed scene depicting a lovable Shih Tzu dog, sitting in the perfect spot on a pile of books, enjoing the breeze from an open library window.
The shih tzu is Chinese dog breeds, one of the most popular small toy dog with a playful personality, with origin dating back to Tibet and China.
These dogs were treasured by Chinese royalty, often depicted in ancient paintings and considered symbols of wealth and prosperity. The name 'Shih Tzu' translates to 'lion dog', reflecting the breed's mane-like facial hair and noble demeanor.

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