Home-Flowers-First Snowdrops

First Snowdrops

First Snowdrops - Bewertung: Bewertung:

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First SnowdropsFirst Snowdrops

First Snowdrops - Tags: - Tags: first, snowdrops, flowers, garden, path, old, house, January, shoots, winter, spring, weather
First Snowdrops - Datum: Datum: 10.01.2025 20:26
First Snowdrops - Hits: Hits: 477
First Snowdrops Beschreibung: 
First snowdrops in my garden, along the path of the old house, shyly poking their dainty heads up.
This year in early January, I first noticed the tiny green shoots, which made me smile and think winter is almost over (although it is yet to come). They seem to beckon us towards spring, despite the cold weather and general bleakness in the garden.

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