Home-Art-Chinese Tarot the Hermit and the Magician by Der Jen

Chinese Tarot the Hermit and the Magician by Der Jen

Chinese Tarot the Hermit and the Magician by Der Jen - Rating: Rating:

Chinese Tarot the Hermit and the Magician by Der Jen puzzle game

Chinese Tarot the Hermit and the Magician by Der JenChinese Tarot the Hermit and the Magician by Der Jen

Chinese Tarot the Hermit and the Magician by Der Jen Description: 
'The Hermit' and 'The Magician', who juggles several weird looking objects, from the 'Classic Chinese Ladies Tarot' or 'Der-Jen Tarot', with illustrations for traditional interpretation of the tarot by Taiwanese artist Der Jen (Dezhen), a lovely tarot deck for collectors and fans of Chinese culture.

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