Home-Flowers-Crimson Waxcap Hygrocybe Punicea

Crimson Waxcap Hygrocybe Punicea

Crimson Waxcap Hygrocybe Punicea - Rating: Rating:

Crimson Waxcap Hygrocybe Punicea Description: 
Crimson Waxcap (Hygrocybe Punicea) is a colourful member of the genus Hygrocybe, one of the largest and the most beautiful of all waxcaps, widespread on unimproved grasslands across Northern Europe. It occurs in late summer and autumn (August to November), in small clusters. Initially the caps are blood red, which fade as they age. Crimson Waxcap is often confused with the smaller mushroom Scarlet Waxy Cap (Hygrocybe coccinea), which has a brighter red cap. Hygrocybe Punicea are edible mushrooms, but there are people suffering from very unpleasant stomach upsets after eating of this species. Waxcaps are not easy for identifying, and is not wise to rely on the cap colour.

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