Home-Ocean Life-Fluted Conch Tridacna Squamosa

Fluted Conch Tridacna Squamosa

Fluted Conch Tridacna Squamosa - Rating: Rating:

Fluted Conch Tridacna Squamosa puzzle game

Fluted Conch Tridacna SquamosaFluted Conch Tridacna Squamosa

Fluted Conch Tridacna Squamosa Description: 
Fluted conch Tridacna Squamosa, is a large tropical pink queen clam, lying on sandy beach near the water.
Conch is a common name for sea shell, applied by different medium to large-sized predatory sea snail, found widely spread in the West Pacific and east to South Africa.
It is used for natural fish tank landscaping and conch decoration crafts.

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