Home-Art-Jesus Good Shepherd Stained Glass at St. John Church Ashfield Australia

Jesus Good Shepherd Stained Glass at St. John Church Ashfield Australia

Jesus Good Shepherd Stained Glass at St. John Church Ashfield Australia - Rating: Rating:

Jesus Good Shepherd Stained Glass at St. John Church Ashfield Australia puzzle game

Jesus Good Shepherd Stained Glass at St. John Church Ashfield AustraliaJesus Good Shepherd Stained Glass at St. John Church Ashfield Australia

Jesus Good Shepherd Stained Glass at St. John Church Ashfield Australia Description: 
Fragment of the panel with a beautiful stained glass made by Alfred Handel (d. 1946) at St. John the Baptist's Anglican Church in Ashfield, New South Wales, Australia, depicting Jesus as a 'Good Shepherd' among flock of sheep, with lambkin and shepherd's crook in hands. According to the description from the Gospel of John, chapter 10, in verse 11, Jesus tells us: 'I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.' Jesus is the good shepherd to His believers, just as the shepherds are for theirs livestock. The shepherd cares for his flock day and night and ready to defend his sheep from harm.

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