Начало-Art-Palm Sunday Entry into Jerusalem by Pedro Orrente

Palm Sunday Entry into Jerusalem by Pedro Orrente

Palm Sunday Entry into Jerusalem by Pedro Orrente - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Palm Sunday Entry into Jerusalem by Pedro Orrente Описание: 
'Entry into Jerusalem' an oil painting (ca 1620, located in The Hermitage, St. Petersburg) by the Spanish painter Pedro Orrente (1580-1645).
This year, according to eastern and western tradition, the Palm Sunday is celebrated by Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants and followers of the Armenian Church on April 13, 2014, on the Sunday after St. Lazarus, a week before Easter. Palm Sunday is devoted to the ceremonial welcome of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem with olive and laurel branches, as a messianic king, considered the Son of God, due to the miracle He has made, the return of the dead Lazarus back to life.

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