Начало-Art-Picasso Boy with Pipe

Picasso Boy with Pipe

Picasso Boy with Pipe - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Picasso Boy with Pipe пъзел игра

Picasso Boy with PipePicasso Boy with Pipe

Picasso Boy with Pipe - Етикети: - Етикети: Picasso, Boy, boys, Pipe, pipes, art, arts, fragment, fragments, painting, paintings, 1905, Montmartre, studio, studios, garland, garlands, flowers, flower, million, dollars, dollar, 2004, canvas, world, Rose, Period
Picasso Boy with Pipe - Дата: Дата: 05.05.2010 08:43
Picasso Boy with Pipe - Игран: Игран: 16927
Picasso Boy with Pipe Описание: 
A fragment from the painting 'Boy with Pipe' made by Picasso in 1905. This painting of a boy visited Picasso in the Montmartre studio with a pipe and garland of flowers was sold for 104,2 million dollars (2004). The 'Boy with Pipe' is Picasso's most expensive canvas in the world from the 'Rose Period'.

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