Начало-Art-Pink Tulip and Rose by Igor Levashov

Pink Tulip and Rose by Igor Levashov

Pink Tulip and Rose by Igor Levashov - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Pink Tulip and Rose by Igor Levashov пъзел игра

Pink Tulip and Rose by Igor LevashovPink Tulip and Rose by Igor Levashov

Pink Tulip and Rose by Igor Levashov Описание: 
Beauty in pink, tulip and rose, painted by Igor Levashov, who has managed to capture the soft romance and true essence of these flowers. Igor Levashov is an artist, born in Russia, who has studied in the world-famed Sourykoff Institute in Moscow and at the Royal Academy of Modern Art in the Hague, the Netherlands.

deutsch english bulgarian russian spanish 
Активни потребители: 65
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