Home-Art-Santa Claus with Christmas Toy by Dona Gelsinger

Santa Claus with Christmas Toy by Dona Gelsinger

Santa Claus with Christmas Toy by Dona Gelsinger - Rating: Rating:

Santa Claus with Christmas Toy by Dona Gelsinger Description: 
Beautiful picture of Santa Claus with a Christmas toy in hand, painted by the American artist Dona Gelsinger. Santa Claus with a red coat, fur boots and a long white beard, who supposedly lives in the North Pole, is a symbol of Christmas, as a figure that gives presents to children and an important part of the Christmas tradition in the Western world. He has many different names such as Saint Nicolas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle. In many Eastern Orthodox traditions Santa Claus is represented by Grandfather Frost who visits children on New Year's Day.

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