Principal-Art-Tutankhamun Canopic Bust Art Museum in Denver Colorado USA

Tutankhamun Canopic Bust Art Museum in Denver Colorado USA

Tutankhamun Canopic Bust Art Museum in Denver Colorado USA - Clasificación Clasificación

Tutankhamun Canopic Bust Art Museum in Denver Colorado USA Descripción 
Canopic bust in shape of Tutankhamun’s head, at the Art Museum's exhibition in Denver, Colorado, USA, 'Tutankhamun the Golden King and the Great Pharaohs' (June 2010 - January 2011). This is an artifact from calcite, found in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, which has been used as a stopper for one of the four cylindrical sections, hollowed in the carnopic container, where were stored the entrails of the embalmed body.

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