Home-Cartoons-Tutankhamun Cartouches of Birth

Tutankhamun Cartouches of Birth

Tutankhamun Cartouches of Birth - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Tutankhamun Cartouches of Birth Beschreibung: 
Cartouches (hieroglyph in Egyptian language for word 'name') with the throne names, for the birth of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, displayed between two Sekhmet, lionesses-warriors, which are fighting with the enemies from different ethnicities and the vulture Nekhbet above them. Tutankhamun was a son of King Akhenaten and one of his sisters (1343 BC-1325 BC). When he became a king, he married his half-sister Ankhesenamun, one of the daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti.

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