Principal-Cartoons-Tutankhamun Cartouches of Birth

Tutankhamun Cartouches of Birth

Tutankhamun Cartouches of Birth - Clasificación Clasificación

Tutankhamun Cartouches of Birth Descripción 
Cartouches (hieroglyph in Egyptian language for word 'name') with the throne names, for the birth of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, displayed between two Sekhmet, lionesses-warriors, which are fighting with the enemies from different ethnicities and the vulture Nekhbet above them. Tutankhamun was a son of King Akhenaten and one of his sisters (1343 BC-1325 BC). When he became a king, he married his half-sister Ankhesenamun, one of the daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti.

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