Начало-Animals-White-tailed Eagle by Blain Harasymiw

White-tailed Eagle by Blain Harasymiw

White-tailed Eagle by Blain Harasymiw - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

White-tailed Eagle by Blain Harasymiw пазл игру

White-tailed Eagle by Blain HarasymiwWhite-tailed Eagle by Blain Harasymiw

White-tailed Eagle by Blain Harasymiw - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: White-tailed, eagle, Blain, Harasymiw, animals, Shiretoko, National, Park, Hokkaido, Japan, Eurasian, sea, raptor, Pacific, coast, Nemuro, wingspan, fish, prey, winter, children, pets, Canada, photographer, Japanese, home, Photo, Tours, Mt.Fuji, shrine, Wildlife, bird, Cherry, Blossom
White-tailed Eagle by Blain Harasymiw - Дата: Дата: 18.12.2024 06:46
White-tailed Eagle by Blain Harasymiw - Просмотров: Просмотров: 568
White-tailed Eagle by Blain Harasymiw Описание: 
White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) photographed by Blain Harasymiw on a chartered vessel in Shiretoko National Park in Hokkaido, Japan.
The White-tailed Eagle, also known as the Eurasian sea eagle, is one raptor of many are endemic to the region, that are wintering in Japan on the Pacific coast in Hokkaido from Nemuro to Rausu Shiretoko National Park. It is said this raptor has the largest wingspan of any living eagle.
When hunting for fish or other prey the white-tailed eagles make a breathtaking photographic subject.
They can be aggressive as soon as a fish is spotted and standing their ground against other raptors such as the Steller’s sea eagle, who migrate to Hokkaido for the winter.
In Hokkaido, where these birds are plentiful in winter, children and house pets such as dogs and cats should be carefully watched when venturing out on their own, when the fishing or the weather are terrible.
Blain Harasymiw grew up in northern Canada, becoming a professional photographer in an acclaimed Japanese photography company. For more than 20 years, Blain has called Japan home.
Now as a freelance photographer, Blain Harasymiw leads Photo Tours throughout top locations in Japan, featuring Mt. Fuji and the Japan Shinto shrine in the region, Wildlife bird-watching, the annual Cherry Blossom Tour, Winter in Hokkaido.

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