Начало-Art-Yellow Roses by Igor Levashov

Yellow Roses by Igor Levashov

Yellow Roses by Igor Levashov - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Yellow Roses by Igor Levashov пъзел игра

Yellow Roses by Igor LevashovYellow Roses by Igor Levashov

Yellow Roses by Igor Levashov - Етикети: - Етикети: yellow, roses, Igor, Levashov, art, arts, flower, flowers, oil, painting, paintings, delicate, sunny, color, colours, feeling, feelings, warmth, happiness, skilfully, artist, artists, Russia, United, States, worldwide
Yellow Roses by Igor Levashov - Дата: Дата: 15.11.2011 18:35
Yellow Roses by Igor Levashov - Игран: Игран: 10090
Yellow Roses by Igor Levashov Описание: 
An oil painting of delicate yellow roses, whose sunny color evokes a feeling of warmth and happiness, skilfully painted by Igor Levashov, an artist, born in Russia, whose paintings with flowers are sold in the United States and appreciate worldwide.

deutsch english bulgarian russian spanish 
Активни потребители: 125
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