Home-Animals-Eros and Psyche by Josephine Wall

Eros and Psyche by Josephine Wall

Eros and Psyche by Josephine Wall - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Eros and Psyche by Josephine Wall Beschreibung: 
'Eros and Psyche' is an amazing painting by the famous English artist Josephine Wall (born May 1947 in Farnham, Surrey), specialized in mystical, surreal-like and fantasy paintings, which fascinate with mesmerizing details and vibrant colors.
The myth of Eros and Psyche is probably one of the best love stories in classical mythology.
Eros, son of Aphrodite, was the personification of intense love desire, depicted throwing arrows to people in order to make them fall in love. Psyche is a beautiful maiden, who personifies the human soul.
The two lovers are dancing in the moonlight in a world of their own, where the air is filled with love and scent of flowers.

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