Home-Animals-Dall Sheep Denali National Park Alaska

Dall Sheep Denali National Park Alaska

Dall Sheep Denali National Park Alaska - Bewertung: Bewertung:

Dall Sheep Denali National Park Alaska Beschreibung: 
Denali National Park and Preserve is one of the world’s most scenic and wildlife-rich, and one of Alaska’s most highly visited national parks in North America.
In the six-million-acre park, larger than the state of Massachusetts, with harsh and rugged environment, can be seen some of the most iconic, large mammals, such as grizzly and brown bears, wolves, caribou, moose and the Dall sheep.
Dall sheep spend most of their lives at high elevation, atop the steep slopes, where it is difficult for predators to reach them.
Besides their snowy white coat, the Dall Sheep have another standout feature: their horns. Males of the species have huge curled horns, which continue to grow annually from spring to early fall and as a result, you can tell theirs age by horn growth rings.

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