Home-Flowers-Tall Bearded Iris Repertoire

Tall Bearded Iris Repertoire

Tall Bearded Iris Repertoire - Rating: Rating:

Tall Bearded Iris Repertoire Description: 
Beautiful tall bearded iris 'Repertoire' (Thomas Johnson, 2011), violet-yellow in color, late bloom with sweet fragrance.
The irises, named for the Greek goddess of the rainbow, invigorate the garden's landscape in the spring with their showy shades and colors' combinations.
The species of irises are separated into two main groups - rhizome and bulbs. Bulbous irises form a more typical bulb and include Persian, reticulate and many dwarf irises. Rhizomes are underground stems that grow horizontally and are used as storage for the plant. Bearded iris falls into this group as do both the Japanese and Siberian iris.
The Iris, genus Iridaceae, is the official cultivated flower of the State of Tennessee and is popular across all the regions.

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