Home-Animals-Dachshunds Dogs Wallpaper

Dachshunds Dogs Wallpaper

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Dachshunds Dogs WallpaperDachshunds Dogs Wallpaper

Dachshunds Dogs Wallpaper Beschreibung: 
Wallpaper with two lovely standard long-haired red dachshunds dogs, posing in sun.
Dachshunds dogs are always the best friends of humans. They are very pretty, playful, brave and friendly.
The dachshund was bred to scent, chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals.
Dachshunds have many wonderful traits…but quietness often isn’t one of them! They are notorious for their barking, whenever there’s a noise at the front door, whether that’s due to a man, a car, or even just a strong gust of wind.

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