Начало-Art-Date on the Rink by Susan Wheeler

Date on the Rink by Susan Wheeler

Date on the Rink by Susan Wheeler - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Date on the Rink by Susan Wheeler пъзел игра

Date on the Rink by Susan WheelerDate on the Rink by Susan Wheeler

Date on the Rink by Susan Wheeler - Етикети: - Етикети: date, rink, Susan, Wheeler, art, painting, American, artist, mouses, Fredericksburg, Texas, USA, watercolors, Victorian, style, animals, warmth, and, love
Date on the Rink by Susan Wheeler - Дата: Дата: 07.12.2024 07:46
Date on the Rink by Susan Wheeler - Игран: Игран: 511
Date on the Rink by Susan Wheeler Описание: 
'Date on the Rink' is a beautiful painting by the American artist Susan Wheeler, with cute skaiting mouses.
The gifted artist Susan Wheeler lives in Fredericksburg, Texas, USA. Thanks to her detailed watercolors, a whole magical world in the Victorian style comes to life before us, where cute animals live in warmth and love.

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