Начало-Animals-Trio of Mallards by Jim Killen

Trio of Mallards by Jim Killen

Trio of Mallards by Jim Killen - Рейтинг: Рейтинг:

Trio of Mallards by Jim Killen пазл игру

Trio of Mallards by Jim KillenTrio of Mallards by Jim Killen

Trio of Mallards by Jim Killen - Слова для поиска: - Слова для поиска: trio, mallards, Jim, Killen, animals, art, painting, waterfowl, American, artist, wildlife, dogs, conservationist, sportsman, conservation, organizations, birds, admiration, creatures, expanse, boundaries, problems, worries
Trio of Mallards by Jim Killen - Дата: Дата: 15.12.2024 16:18
Trio of Mallards by Jim Killen - Просмотров: Просмотров: 503
Trio of Mallards by Jim Killen Описание: 
'Trio of Mallards' is a beautiful painting with waterfowl by Jim Killen (1934-2024). Jim Killen is an American master artist with remarkable gift of painting of wildlife and sporting dogs, whose career has spanned over forty years. He is a dedicated conservationist and avid sportsman, by collaborating with with wildlife conservation organizations.
Birds in the paintings of artists always make us exclaim with delight and admiration, awakeing the desire to follow the feathered creatures into this azure-blue expanse, where are no boundaries, problems and worries.

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