Home-Art-Picasso Woman with Crossed Arms

Picasso Woman with Crossed Arms

Picasso Woman with Crossed Arms - Rating: Rating:

Picasso Woman with Crossed Arms puzzle game

Picasso Woman with Crossed ArmsPicasso Woman with Crossed Arms

Picasso Woman with Crossed Arms - Tags: - Tags: Picasso, Woman, womans, Crossed, Arms, arm, art, arts, painting, paintings, canvas, Blu, Period, Christie's
Picasso Woman with Crossed Arms - Date: Date: 05.05.2010 13:35
Picasso Woman with Crossed Arms - Played: Played: 13528
Picasso Woman with Crossed Arms Description: 
A fragment from 'Woman with Crossed Arms', the best painting made by Picasso during his 'Blu Period' (1901-1904). This sad and melancholic canvas painted by Picasso after his best fried died, was sold by Christie's for more than 55 milion dollars (2004).

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