Home-Places-Stony Brook Grist Mill in Autumn Brewster Massachusetts

Stony Brook Grist Mill in Autumn Brewster Massachusetts

Stony Brook Grist Mill in Autumn Brewster Massachusetts - Rating: Rating:

Stony Brook Grist Mill in Autumn Brewster Massachusetts puzzle game

Stony Brook Grist Mill in Autumn Brewster MassachusettsStony Brook Grist Mill in Autumn Brewster Massachusetts

Stony Brook Grist Mill in Autumn Brewster Massachusetts Description: 
Picturesque view of the Stony Brook Grist Mill in autumn, the only remaining structure from Factory Village, a bustling 19th Century industrial area in Brewster, Massachusetts.
The restored mill, which has been in Brewster since 1663, is open every Saturday in the summer. Visitors can see the water wheel operated by the rushing water and purchase fresh ground corn meal.
The upstairs museum features artifacts of Cape Cod life, weaving demonstrations and much more.

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