Home-Places-Small Throne Room in Hermitage St.Petersburg Russia

Small Throne Room in Hermitage St.Petersburg Russia

Small Throne Room in Hermitage St.Petersburg Russia - Rating: Rating:

Small Throne Room in Hermitage St.Petersburg Russia Description: 
View of the 'Memorial Throne Room of Peter the Great' also known as the 'Small Throne Room' in the Winter Palace, part of the Hermitage Museum in St.Petersburg, Russia.
The hall was designed in 1833 by the architect Auguste de Montferrand and restored after the fire of 1837 by Vasily Stasov with minor alterations.
The Small Throne Room is dedicated to Peter the Great, with wall coverings of deep crimson lyonnaise velvet embroidered with Peter's monogram as well as double-headed eagles and crowns used as the main decorative motifs.
In the niche there is the painting 'Peter the Great with Minerva' produced by the Italian artist Jacopo Amiconi in the 1730s. On the dais in the centre stands the throne made for Empress Anna Ioannovna in London by Nicholaus Klausen in 1731-32.

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