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Study of Empress in Peterhof Palace St.Petersburg Russia

Study of Empress in Peterhof Palace St.Petersburg Russia - Rating: Rating:

Study of Empress in Peterhof Palace St.Petersburg Russia Description: 
View of the Study of Empress in Grand Peterhof Palace St.Petersburg Russia.
The decor of this room, carried out to Rastrelli's design, includes silk lining on the walls and gilded carvings on the doors and panels. In the mid-19th century the study was decorated with a sumptuous porcelain mantelpiece, but its ornaments were lost during a fire in 1941.
The study is a sort of family portrait gallery, where of a special interest are the portraits of Catherine the Great by Vigilius Erichsen, of Maria Fiodorovna painted by Hans Kligelchen in 1801 and of Elizabeth Petrovna by an unknown Russian painter in the mid-18th century, as well as the painting of Neptune's Grotto in Tivoli by Philippe Hackaert.
The magnificent gilded armchairs and the sofa were made in the workshop of Georges Jacob, one of the most famous French cabinet-makers of the second half of the 18th century. The secretaire is workmanship by David Roentgen.

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