Home-Places-Altar in Church of Resurrection of Christ St.Petersburg Russia

Altar in Church of Resurrection of Christ St.Petersburg Russia

Altar in Church of Resurrection of Christ St.Petersburg Russia - Rating: Rating:

Altar in Church of Resurrection of Christ St.Petersburg Russia puzzle game

Altar in Church of Resurrection of Christ St.Petersburg RussiaAltar in Church of Resurrection of Christ St.Petersburg Russia

Altar in Church of Resurrection of Christ St.Petersburg Russia Description: 
Altar (iconostasis) in the imposing 'Church of the Resurrection of Christ' in St.Petersburg Russia. The church is known as the 'Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood', that was built by Emperor Alexander III as a memorial to his assassinated father, Emperor Alexander II, one of the main sights of St. Petersburg.
The iconostasis, the screen that separates the sanctuary from the nave in Eastern Orthodox churches, is especially elaborate, with mosaics, paintings, sculptural details and enamel.
There are no paintings in the interior of the church, only mosaics, designed by a corp of Russia’s best artists of the time. Most of them done in the workshop of A. and V. Frolov.
The mosaic icons'The Mother of God and the Child' and 'The Saviour' on the iconostasis of the 'Church of the Resurrection of Christ', are work by Victor Vasnelsov.

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